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2020/03/05 2020/03/06 2020/03/06 New in Zorin OS 12.4: Zorin OS 12.4 introduces an updated hardware enablement stack. The newly-included Linux kernel 4.15, as well as an updated X server graphics stack, add compatibility for newer computers and hardware in Zorin OS. 2017/04/09
Download Zorin OS Lite - A Lite edition of the open source Zorin OS Linux distribution, designed for old systems New in Zorin OS Lite 12.4: Zorin OS 12.4 introduces an …
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2019/08/21 2020/03/05 2020/03/06 2020/03/06 New in Zorin OS 12.4: Zorin OS 12.4 introduces an updated hardware enablement stack. The newly-included Linux kernel 4.15, as well as an updated X server graphics stack, add compatibility for newer computers and hardware in Zorin OS.